Friday, August 5, 2011

Location de vacances

Vacation !!!

* First thought - away from work, sunny beach, relax !!!
and all this dreaming about vacation

* Reality :
- its only 3 weeks and anyway you end up back at work
-sunny beach = ryanair fully packed and you paid some extra cash for comfort what is not there
- relax = people who don´t speak english and you are lost !!!

Like a dream come true...

I started to count my days until my vacation on the moment I came back from my spring vacation... and now its almost here ( it means 2 work days, one free day for over-packing, cleaning and of course souvenir shopping )

Check list for Location de vacances:
* friends are coming ( and I hope also that they are leaving ) Long weekend with Frida and Sofia in Tallinn
* Je vais aller à Paris et je suis en train de tomber en amour ( sry, its google translate ) - Paris with Maria and Arnaud
* Home sweet Home !!!
* Haluan olutta > small trip to Finland

I really hope I can make this all happen....
and if not, I will be in Kapp drinking Apple Martinis...

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