Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Say my name, say my name

„Say my name, bitch“ - like some psycho crazy women yelling while beating their men-slaves in bed...

Never happened to me ( not a name thing or women ) in this holy place as bed... But names, mixing up or forgeting them and so on ...... happens a lot

Wasn´t that enough that in school we had to learn all these boring names in history class or even in Chemestry or Physics... Who can´t forget Einstein or some other dude ( none of them good-looking or shaved )... every time we open the book they were there.. ( sorry if someone is into elder men or history )... And so stupid that we got marks from knowing them or what they did... So most of the time everyone had to know every old guy name and what he did in his life... God !!

But now times are changed a lot. But we still do need names.,.. not for like to be smart, but being in the spotlight for annual gossip date with friends... It is so cool to hear that who did who and who did what and where... And the best part is that, if you forget the name.. no one will judge or give you bad mark... And usually everyone knows everyone, so 95% people know who is that person if you say like this „he is that man who slept with this guy who works there....“

And sometimes on the street its a bad feeling also if someone yells and you just have to fake smile it, cos you dont know his name ( in my version all comparison I use HE ) or less you dont know who he is... Usually after school we dont have the chance to carry books with us where are all the pics with people we meet...

the only place we need names is the BED and for cheaters its RELATIONSHIP.... I think we have seen enough TV to understand what will happen if the wrong name comes up... But can you imagine for „popular“ people to learn all these names in case you meet same people in some other time.... I think „HEY YOU“ can be very confuseing

P.S. Believe me - if you find your friend´s list with names in his / her age of ( actually age is not important )....then I can quarantee that these names are not for the future baby... Usually we have like 2 or 3 option for boy or a girl... If there is more than this then its so-called „friend list“

And I am not even going to start the all debate about nick-names... Let that be, otherwise this piece of blog will be a book (and I know it will end up od Oprah´s official book selection)

Do you know what is my name ? Or the name that guy who left this morning from your place ??

in the end of the list

When I grow up
I wanna be famous
I wanna be a star
I wanna be in movies

I have done all that... No need to be jealous... Ok, I have to own that I am not like this kid from pizzabar who is hotter with his chest-hair than without... I think Ryan is his name, but still I have my own FAME.... So being THE star not A star ( like some of these people from local entertainment business called Elu24 ) it gives a big pleasure ( emotional not physical like almost any casting director gets every weekend from new "talented" people in Hollywood ) to be in the list.... At the beginning all the VIP lists... walk on the red carpet, pose, look town for regular people and just go without queueing in to the club where you never go after... Just for the opening party cos of free drinks and publicity... Oh these amazing golden days being in the list

But this is not all point about the lists....
Of course it starts like fairy-tale ( dont compare to any Grimm brothers stuff or with this Rybak boy )... These amazing lists... Every club has the name in the guest-list, also the e-mail address excist at PR people lists... So but this fun lasts like a year or two...
After the first fame and several adventures with random people you end up in their list: sex-list... being someone nr 1 or 57... Then friendlist like in Facebook, orkut or any other web-page... And then we times get "wilder" ( like cocaine, relationship with wrong people and so on.... more advice from L.Lohan or C.Sheen ) we receive the REAL status - THE BLACK LIST...... And we all know what that means....

No matter who we are or how many covers we have been or any other fabulous fame stuff, no one shouldn´t end up in the black list... in the end STARS are also humans like teachers

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Sunday morning

There is no pan-cake smell coming from kitchen - it means I am single
There is no phone numbers written on my hand - it means I will stay single
There is no crucial pain in my head - it means something I can´t find words to describe
There is junk-food leftovers next to my bed – it means food is not love on Saturday night

I am in my own bed ( and I dont know if this is a good sign or not )... and there is no one else next to me who I dont know ( and this is good sign as well ........... I think ) The same way my bed is empty my brain is also... No ideas what to write to my blog... '

I need an inspiration as the same way Tom Arnold needs a job in Hollywood.....

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Visiting hour

Guests are always welcome, my home is open 24 / 7........ but it ain´t bed & breakfast (and more than just one night, as they usually leave after 35.min or less )

So much fun is:
* Visiting places and being amazed by the culture and history ( i dont´t mean bed-rooms to dark-rooms - these are different places )

* visiting friends - (not to attach a word boy / girl) and enjoy good times with them and have some drinks

I just did it in French and now will do it back at home...

It is visiting hour... open your doors and bring glasses for bottle of Chablis

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


My vacation

and there are much much more..........



New York, London, Milan and Paris for fashionistas ( what includes Anna W, Rachel Zoe and some bloggers and magazines as well ) have the same meaning as seasons -s pring, Summer, Autumn and Winter to every other non-vogue reader person.... They all symbolize the same thing but have different approach..

Now I am in Paris and I have already felt the cold but sensual breeze from the streets.... From airport de Gaulle until Paris de Lyon ( one hour ride ) I met my dream-team... ( talking about things now, what are marked in BOLD and not people... remember my blog and its all about ME )... :

*There was this a little bit out from normal skinny size lady or woman with real body-parts ( whatever is more believable ) with DIOR bag... On the moment I saw the letter D I knew it, it wasn´t from Turkey or Thailand....

*Then after one sweaty and smelly tourist ( me not included ), some kids, I saw LV in leather - hanging.... I think it was flirting with me, saying - „catch me if you can“.......... and I know that I can never do that... Only after I have been in Russian market

*Dark rooms are fun ( mostly on weekends ), but what is behind dark sun-glasses is much more excaiting... Armani and Prada glasses were covering eyes for many good looking men in train.... If I only had a possibilty to look what is behind that reflection

*And one sexy ass was there ( boy was cute too ) but D&G never let me down :)... Those jeans just made understand the value of perfect jeans

*And this comment is for my one straight reader – I also saw some Ipads, Nokias and some other cool toys to play with ( in public of course )

And what about me – my total look wasn´t more worth than 60€ but still I had my labels ON...

I hope I can meet labels in French Riviera and hoping not to start labeling people !

Thursday, August 18, 2011

French Riviera

J'ai vacances et je suis très heureux.

Première fois de ma vie que je vais en France. J'ai prévu de visiter Paris, mais mes plans modifiés. Maintenant, j'ai des plans beaucoup mieux. De Paris je vais prendre le train et aller à Côte d'Azur. Je vais à Toulon, je vais visiter mon ami et sa famille Arnaud.

Il fait très chaud là-bas et bien sûr la plage.
J'espère que j'aurai très bon moment avec ma copine Maria ...

Mes compétences françaises basées en www.translate.google.com


Party time !!!

Another fabulous excuse to get drunk or dress up nicely ( according to my taste what come to clothes, but for some people I still look !"#%¤& )

I love B-days...
*Mostly if it is not mine... OMG all that cleaning after ( broken glass, food everywhere, some still sleeping

under the table ) and prepareing before ( catering, games, drinks and so on )
* but if there someone else´s b-day... I am there ( read with FIERCE attitude )... This extremely tireing present search from stores ( god damn, if my present doesn´t rule )...The fashion moment - what to wear so that I can look better than the Queen of the Night..... and then all the FREE alcohol..... and in the end some desperate move to take catering boy home ( read - after getting wasted staff puts me on taxi )

Thanks God, that I have friends who B-Day is on while I am having vacation... To see all the friends, and just have private party ( invite only, bitches ) with people you know..

I have rsvp to all invites, now presents and outfits to take care off

Monday, August 15, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Saturday night at Kapp
*amazing disco, all my friends. great performance, delicious drinks !!!

Sunday evening at Komeet
* brut rose cava, house music, great group of friends and all the gossip and friendly bitch-slapping and lots of great and loud laugh... And some fake sunglasses during the sunny moments

Any time
* my dog, my family, the bed I sort of adore, best sleeps ever.

It is good to be back where my heart and soul belongs..... Home :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

My love

Hey, my dear. I was thinking that I will write to you....
And sorry, if I am way too emotional....

I can't live,
If living is without you,
I can't live,
I can't give anymore,
I can't live,
If living is without you,
I can't give,
I can't give anymore

I have this feeling everytime I see it, feel it and enjoy it. If it possible I could never let it go... Its always there when I needed it and they way it comes to me... On the moment I miss it, it just takes couple of minutes and its there in front of him... its cold freeze,shaked up already before we meet, the beautiful green look. The first touch makes me breathe deeper and I could exhale again... I rise you up and I feel the luckiest person in the world

I even remember the first time we met. I didn´t like it, we didn´t match so well at all... And then I saw how other freidns adored you and then I wanted also give a try. Best decision I have EVER done.

I hope life treats you kind
And I hope you have all you've dreamed of.
And I wish to you, joy and happiness.
But above all this, I wish you love.

And I will always love you.

I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I, I will always love you.

Thanks for being in my life, my dear APPLE MARTINI

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Disco breakfast

its Wednesday... it means only one thing... disco starts again...

Warm-up stars now 9.00 in the morning

* after classical morning routines ( breakfast, shower, news and so on ) I check in on www.di.fm web-page
* Disco House radio switched on
* and speakers also tune up the volume
* then Facebook for looking friends to go clubbing
* organize pre party with drinks

Breakfast tastes so good with disco music....

and that´s it....
My dancing Queens are Sofia and Frida ! Let the long weekend with them starts

Monday, August 8, 2011


Versus ( don´t hope that I get my fashionista on and will start talking about Versace brand Versus )......... this story is little bit different

Its a story about love ( I think ) and luggage

I never been a good relationship person ( except all this weekend fun/commited relationships while being just a weekend tourist )... during my 100 years being gay I have had I think like 2 or 3 relationships... I know its less, but still something... I thought I was bad in breaking up RS ( future notice - relationship is RS , so big word to type all the time, my white wine gets warm ), but I am even worse with my luggage...

On the day I found out that Madonna, apple martinis, other mens six-packs and word "fabulous" are part of my life I started to travel as well ( same time I started with RS )... I have seen the world and I have carried it with my all over the Europe like years already... But I just dicovered today ( when I 5th time repacked my luggage ) that I have no luck at all with this bags... None of my bags don´t last more than 4 trips... Basically every season ( not fashion-term ) a year term( like summer , spring and 2 other ) I have new bag with wheels.... Is it me or are this airport staff who breaks them...

only good things what comes out that is - I can go shopping and cruise these cute sexually confused salesmen in stores where they offer the stuff ( read - themselves )

So the score is

And I have this year at least 7 trips ahead.... No relationships ( yet )

Love Metro

I love metros......

Its mostly because the symbolise much my relationships in the past... ( no need to get excited - no stories about big orgy )

* Metro traffic plan - a first look where it will take me in this relationship... And sometimes its truly hard to find the right one
* Metro stations - its like cruiseing area, to look around with who to go for this ride.. and it has it happi hours as well during the morning and evening time, when most of people come /go-from/to work
* I jump in - get into relationship
* enjoy the ride - 2 dates, one weekend ( every stop is like one day )
* people in the metro - I always look around , maybe there is something better than this... Sometimes I can already start a new ride whilw I am still on my first ride... But no cheating...
* leave your station - done with the relationship cos you made it to your destination
* result - it was fast, not painful, didn´t get bored and happy where it took you

Now I am just waiting for the metro to come

Friday, August 5, 2011

Location de vacances

Vacation !!!

* First thought - away from work, sunny beach, relax !!!
and all this dreaming about vacation

* Reality :
- its only 3 weeks and anyway you end up back at work
-sunny beach = ryanair fully packed and you paid some extra cash for comfort what is not there
- relax = people who don´t speak english and you are lost !!!

Like a dream come true...

I started to count my days until my vacation on the moment I came back from my spring vacation... and now its almost here ( it means 2 work days, one free day for over-packing, cleaning and of course souvenir shopping )

Check list for Location de vacances:
* friends are coming ( and I hope also that they are leaving ) Long weekend with Frida and Sofia in Tallinn
* Je vais aller à Paris et je suis en train de tomber en amour ( sry, its google translate ) - Paris with Maria and Arnaud
* Home sweet Home !!!
* Haluan olutta > small trip to Finland

I really hope I can make this all happen....
and if not, I will be in Kapp drinking Apple Martinis...

Guilty pleasure

Every morning

Wake - up alarm
switch on : mobile, laptop, tv and radio
log in: gayromeo, e-mail, models.com and facebook
and then the obsession of

* James loves divas with their videos and songs and... his selection is amazing what he puts out
* A guw who´s name I dont remember... he just adores men ( like every normal healthy non-staright men does )
* 21% of friends just are crazy to check-in to everywhere
* 58% of people of my FB account just LIKE things
* some people just have some kinky FB virus
* but still everyone has a

and its like endless

They all have something, and now I want tooo ( read this and imagine spoiled kid screming that )
After long soul-searching in internet I decided....... I ADORE DISCO .. it maybe lame as any movie where Jim Carrey has to be seroius, but still its have to happen !!!

I just hope I dont lose so quickly interest of my new obsession as the way Hef loses over his new play-bunny wive who is just his

Lets dance and new disco song on my facebook wall every day...

From disco to disco

I can´t help it.... It´s in my dna ( I dont mean apple martini or a word "fabulous" )... The great obsession about DISCO....

I remember my first disco. I was 12, just spend a night at the culture club at mom´s office cos I was to afraid to stay home alone ( too much Home Alone )... Oh these first beats of good sound....

I felt like John Travolta - I had to be on the floor and shake it... And now, almost 200 years later I still feel like dancing....

So I start again.... On my facebook page and thanks to youtube I can go again to discover great disco songs !!!

Lets dance !!!