Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dear Secret Diary !!!!

Dear Secret Diary....

OMG. I have some great news... I got today new Zac Efron sticker. So I put it on the cover on my secret dream-book "My dream Prince". Today has been amazing day. To understand that all, I start from the beginning.

***I woke up at 7.00.. I looked left and there it was - Justin Bieber´s picture on my night-desk next to Twilight book what I finished last night. Jacob and Edward - I still don´t know who I love...

*** after hearing Selena Gomez "Hit the lights" I switched the lights on in my bedroom. And on that moment all the walls started to smile back to me: Justin Bieber, Twilight boys, all the cuties from 90210... It was like the best moment of waking up.

*** So I had my healthy breakfast and then while eating already texted to my bff. I didn´t know what to wear today at school. Everyone in our class thinks that we are sisters, cos we are always together and we look almost the same.. So awesome ! After when we decided what we wear I went to Facebook and liked everything what my friends did and some updates from Gossip Girl page also got liked...

*** nothing happened in the school. It was easy day. No home-work and no stress at all..We chatted during the lunch break and checked after classes how football team hotties did warm-up.. So hot... I like one of the boys, but he doesn´t know that.. I am even afraid to add him in my Facebook. I only smiled to him last week on school disco..

*** after school we went shopping. I bought new Katy Perry album - fierce !!!and then we went for stores, I couldn´t find anything. And then we went to eat at McDonalds. I only took fries and Diet Coke... And had some bites from bff´s nuggets. And then on the way home I bought a magazine. Zac Efron was on the cover. And inside was his sticker... He is so dreamy.. I hope my bf will be like him. I was so happy about the sticker

*** at home I watched Gossip Girl and chatted in Facebook with girls. We are planning this great party together. And we don´t know who to invite and who not... We dont need any losers and geeks on our party. Last 10.minutes before I went to sleep I just googled Vampire Diary boys... I want them to be my Beautiful Nightmares - oh, I like this Beyonce song

Until next time :)

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