Monday, September 19, 2011


And the award goes to / and the winner is.......

There is always smarter people than me and I am not denying it... As far as I know, wikipedia is one of them... yes, it´s a person, cos it knows all the answers to my questions....***An award is something given to a person or a group of people to recognize excellence in a certain field; a certificate of excellence***

I watched Emmy last night and it made me think ( as hard as it is to do ). It is a great feeling a winning the award. There is so many categories where people can win awards... And sometimes people even can see it how people make their way to theses awards – mostly sports related...

Thanks to TV we have all kind of shows where you can win. Old days ( when I was still young and men still found me attractive while I was dancing in Nightman ) there were throphys (and they were golden, heavy and shiny) for the winners, but these days (when people think that Lindsay can act and global warming is a issue) there are no more these shiny stuff....

1) for winning a Idol show – fine, you get some money but then you have to make an album... More work to do, after several months competing with singers ( who sometimes barely can sing but get to next round cos they are cute – thanks to 13 – 16 teenager female voters ) and when its over, the hard work starts... They just put so much effort to win , hoping it will be over, but starts after...

2) Top Chef or anykind of cooking show – a man with a knife yells at you, that you are bad and food tastes like S**t (maybe I have underage readers, so language check), makes them cry or cut their fingers off... In the end if you win and stay alive, you become a chef in restaraunt... Who says that this eating-hall will last forever or these regular people who are use to eat McDonalds and some other food, what is killing them, like your extremely over-priced food what you can´t even name

Ok, these are good shows and some of the victims of these show are enjoying their life now... Maybe the good life is award ???

Why not just like work all year for the show and then get nominated ( what is a honor as well as Kathy Griffin loves to say with other losers )... But if the luck is on your side, then even get on the stage and be shocked / surprised to hold a golden thingy in your hands and thank emotionally all your family and producers and team until a music starts to play...

Every person is worth a award. We are all good in something, just sometimes we dont get mentinoned or people just don´t see that... I think lots of gays would love to give the biggest award to their mom for EVERYTHING what they have done... And the same way children get from their parents „You are the best kid „ awards every day.... And of course there are always little bit smaller and even bigger awards (even my home there are some smaller awards from my wanna-be past) and they are not shiny but the TITLE itself is amazing....

The beauty pageants....
Mr./ Ms and so on.. I have took part in some and have been even a littlbe bit successful.... Yep, I have come home with titles from Mr.Gay Europe and mr.Gay World
I haven´t won any of these awards, but I have special awards ( not like Arnold Oksmaa who became 2nd runner-up with other 23 countries in somekind of sing festival )... My awards are only for me

Oh, I love awards and award-shows...
And sometimes the biggest award is a complimet from a friend or a co-worker... So, if you see people doing good, give them award what they are worth..... !

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