Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My so called star-dust

That´s it. Now its officially confirmed – I will never be a leading man in a movie or a tv show. All what I have left is just a supporting role or a funny side-kick... (and I even haven´t went to any castings yet or slept with non-important staff member in some production ).... I hear a confused gasp in my readers mind - what is going on ? Is this really the end ???

As I love a dramatic moment, I take my pillow and fall in to my bed and start crying... Why, oh why I did it...
                                                      I HAVE A TATTOO 

I am very happy to have it, I really am... But if I am truly honest (not like miss Lohan – it was not me who drove the car) my true confession is – I regret that I made a tattoo but I am happy to have it.... I know, its confusing – its like ms. Stewart suppose to be real actress and not a teen idol...

But if I look towards my colleagues in Hollywood or even in BBC – no one has a tattoo in public place. Except the crazy HBO or Fox tv shows... All actors and actresses are clean as sky ( not in a drug way ).. Miss Pitt has, but she always plays killers and f****d up roles what needs body art...

I dont know why, but it looks like that owning a tattoo puts entertainers into so called Bad Boy role... All modern heroes are nice, without piercing or a stupid habit... I think its wrong msg (oh, so cool, used short term for message, to save some more space to my idiotic thoughts). Not all people with tattoos are bad or criminals... Some are talented and good... Just take ME... So, dear industry, what I truly love and obsess about 24/7 – we all have equal chances to play in a leading role – with or without tattoo...

(No more time to type – I need practice my Hamlet and then 3 lines for a toothpaste commercial where I am just a sidekick ) 
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But dear reader(s) - please think very carefully if you start planning to have a tattoo !!! If you are not rich, then the tattoo stays forever with you !!!

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