Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mission completed !!!

I am back !!!! Star Wannabe is back on the D-List (ok, Kathy Griffin is there, so I better put myself on F-list.... (no fisting, f**cking or any other meaningful F)

I didn´t take much. As I said, before I left Norway, I go back to Tallinn only when I end up in the news... And surprisingly God upstairs on the pillow-cloud heard me.

Tallinn was amazing and I was on the news.... Didn´t get the cover (yet), but soon. I visited more events, but me, who I am very shy, I don´t think its nice to show off.. So, just some events and headlines :)... I like it simple

So lets recap......

Rebecca Kontus Concert
gallery Õhtuleht

Then after amazing night out with boys and Kazaky concert and some weird gay diva bitch-slappin.it was time for BonBon

BonBon Love Party
gallery Ohtuleht

After weeks of resting at home it was time to glam it up the hard way....
Pohjanheimo Restort 2013 and Schlössle Hotel M. C Grill terrace Grand Opening

Resort 2012 / Schlössle
gallery Elu24

And one rainy day, when I was already tired of listening Adele "Someone Like you"... I needed some action and also some bubbly

NYMF Fashion Show
gallery Elu24/Postimees

And now the headlines
*Madis Räästas: 38 tundi magamata olla on käkitegu
(I really dont now how to put the link on the blog so you can go there, it looks like copy-paste always helps)

*PILTUUDIS: Baari-Madis hakkas lapsehoidjaks?

MISSION COMPLETED... I didn´t took 2 hours like Tom Cruise usually has in his MI movies. For me it too 2 weeks.... And with amazing friends.. noone died and always everyone looked fab and fierce

Until NEXT time (it will happen)

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