Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My first....

ABCD - all groups had played all 3 rounds. And like miss ex-Seal says "Sometimes you are in and sometimes you are out"... So 8 teams are out and 8 better countries are still playing for becoming a next best soccer team 2012.... And they all want to be nr 1....

So much for the sport for this month in this blog (except the cute players who make my bed a better place at nights... in my head)... But I got inspired by that... just a little bit... Not being a first but having a first experience in life...

*First obsession
First time we come to this world, we all cry and get spanked the get the taste of life... and some people get attached so quickly, so they get stuck to that forever... (information based by some gayromeo profile texts - The first spank changed my life, now I I want to change your life with my hand, or belt or..."

*First kiss
ohhhhhh.. For some young "smart" teenagers - usually means a kiss when you end up with the hickey on their neck.. For some first kiss means 2 hours of frenching and being drunk at some house-music based club in some basement.... But these are all wrong experiences... I mean like from the movie "My Girl"... This kiss..It lasts less than a second, blush lasts all day, but feeling is forever.... I remember mine... I looked into mirror and did it... Actually I dont know when and where it happened, but I had lots of girls in playground... (yes, girls.. when I was child, I liked girls, I guess)

*First sex
crying and laughing in the same time.. Dont know what to say... Some people already tried during the early teenage period... Some waited (still d) for Mr/Mrs Right... And like I did, I just went for it... It wasn´t good... all the stories what were told, this feeling is so amazing, butterflies and gummy-bears jumping in my.... and firework all around...WAS WRONG... I think it was 15.min and then I left to shower... But thanks for a being a man (I mean the way God built me) I had a chance to lie about my V like a year.. and I did it

*First salary
Spend it !!! Went out on Friday and made it home on Sunday... I even dont know how much it was, but I was very happy :)

*First disco
Oh, some people just can´t wait to be 18... I started to disco when I was 12.. Thank to my mom who worked in the club and I didn´t want to stay home alone... I learned some moves in front of the mirror, and these moves were based by MTV videos.. I even dont know who was popular 1992.... I felt so happy.. So by the time my friends got 18 I was done with discos... But my REAL first night-club was when I got 16 and went with a friend to underground house night-club!!! What a feeling was that !!

*First alcohol
I was 17. 1,5l of Martini Bianco.. Then I was drunk, didn´t know what I was doing and next morning was cry for help phone-call to mom, who said "Survive!"... Some young can´t wait and start steeling from parents... Some parents give beer already to their 1 year babies.. So many options to get drunk.... And then comes this feeling...

*First hangover
It was too much for me.. Didn´t want to have this feeling everto happen again... HAHAHAHA
So new young adults mostly think that hangover is great and drinking is great... To hear next day - "I was puking all over the place, or I don´t know what happened... Oh I mixed everything... I was wild... I even dont know where I woke up or next to who"

We all have learned form our FIRST experiences to be better, bigger and smarter in everything... But if we wouldn´t have our "FIRST" we dont know from what to learn...

Be careful with alcohol and use condom !!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The S**k list

*Fat men
*athletic men
*mysterious men
*flamboyant men.... so many different kind.. Dont know even who or what to like... We all have our types

And when we are done with choosing the right one (poor Kim K, still looking), where are comparing them with others, even make the lists

* best date list (and I mean really good connection, not a paid date by other guy)
* longest relationships (from 4 days until 3 months)
* adventures fun-guys (from bedroom to public toilet fun)

List list, we all have them...
I did a new list... This is list is so hot, and feel so tempted....

Usually you can meet him in the dark. He is very very mysterious, barely talks. And in his eyes is always this look of hunger... Breathing almost stops when I feel him so close to me.. Just want to be next to that powerful creature... And the same wants him... With a second he is next to me, I can feel his cold breath on my neck, his burning eyes... I am ready to surrender.. And when I am ready to be his,he is going to suck me....


Take 2...
and when I am ready to be his, he is going to suck the blood out of me...

"The cutest vampires list"
(based on TV and movies). List doesn´t inlcude my boss or some of my friends who just doing the same thing or just with my spirit or money....

Alexander Skarsgård - True Blood
Oh my God, he is so hot.... Please s**k me... I do everything. I will be your Sookie.. I am easier catch...

Ian Somerhalder - The Vampire Diaries
Just look into his eyes (if you can see them, cos his eyebrows are so sexy, no need to trim) and you are hypnotized. I am totally be a messed up teenager girl again for him

Peter Facinelli ... The Twilight
Just to get more readers to my blog I neede to bring this movie into game... I want to have dad like him. I think he could take care of me and his a doctor. Always safe and all daddy issues would be solved

David Boreanaz - The Buffy (TV series)
I never lookd this show, but he has been most mysterious vamp ever.. I would never kill him, like Buffy wanted to do

Brad Pitt & Tom Cruise - The Interview with....
The only reason is why they are in the list.... They were young while the made that movie... They look like drag queens from gay club, but under these bad outfits and fake hair, there are men...

and there are even more vampires who could suck me....
Oh, the feeling is just good...

I will sleep well tonight, its full moon

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mission completed !!!

I am back !!!! Star Wannabe is back on the D-List (ok, Kathy Griffin is there, so I better put myself on F-list.... (no fisting, f**cking or any other meaningful F)

I didn´t take much. As I said, before I left Norway, I go back to Tallinn only when I end up in the news... And surprisingly God upstairs on the pillow-cloud heard me.

Tallinn was amazing and I was on the news.... Didn´t get the cover (yet), but soon. I visited more events, but me, who I am very shy, I don´t think its nice to show off.. So, just some events and headlines :)... I like it simple

So lets recap......

Rebecca Kontus Concert
gallery Õhtuleht

Then after amazing night out with boys and Kazaky concert and some weird gay diva was time for BonBon

BonBon Love Party
gallery Ohtuleht

After weeks of resting at home it was time to glam it up the hard way....
Pohjanheimo Restort 2013 and Schlössle Hotel M. C Grill terrace Grand Opening

Resort 2012 / Schlössle
gallery Elu24

And one rainy day, when I was already tired of listening Adele "Someone Like you"... I needed some action and also some bubbly

NYMF Fashion Show
gallery Elu24/Postimees

And now the headlines
*Madis Räästas: 38 tundi magamata olla on käkitegu
(I really dont now how to put the link on the blog so you can go there, it looks like copy-paste always helps)

*PILTUUDIS: Baari-Madis hakkas lapsehoidjaks?

MISSION COMPLETED... I didn´t took 2 hours like Tom Cruise usually has in his MI movies. For me it too 2 weeks.... And with amazing friends.. noone died and always everyone looked fab and fierce

Until NEXT time (it will happen)