Saturday, February 26, 2011

I got "TALENT"

In every sexually confused boy´s life there is a point where he have to decide who he wants to become and how he should do it or with help through beds and being "nice" !
And usually the wishes for future profession are glam - singer,dancer, choreographer, model, designer.... All the A/B- list stuff to get in to magazine and to become "friend" with other Real Stars and Wanna-bes

And I am very proud and lucky to say - I have done them all ( in very Z-list way ).. so I have some tips to give out to new beginners of new age social-life wanna-bes... I am not going to share my beauty tips in public.... just a flashback from my "Fabulous" choices.....

Small re-cap......

inspiration then - Gisele, Carmen, Naomi !! Just didn´t know other models
Oh my god, these posing hours in front of the mirror......I have being part several high-school fashion show. Done totally 10 show with 4 years and one 2 titles as best male model..... Even wanted to sign with agency, went with my camp-pictures and that´s all... I was serious then about modeling... I even offered myself for SuperNova fashion show !!! OMG !!! and those extremely BAD and awful gayish walks in gay-clubs to make a mark " I can work it !"
result - still love great catwalk and amazing shows to watch, but would never say No if there will be offer !!!

inspiration then - Aldo Järvsoo and Gerly Tinn
I thought I was bigger then any Milan or Paris designer.... I had such "brilliant" and "gorgeous" haute couture plans. I was the next best thing after Karl Lagerfeld. And only good argument about my fashion skills is that I am gay !!!!
So every show I took part I just took my "second-hand" stuff made some cuts or just put the worst ideas together......It even worked 1 time. Teacher said that my idea was way to extreme and not proper fro high-school fashion show ! See, I proved my point, my ideas were way future than high-school
result - love good fashion shows every year ( to look from internet ). And just TRYING to look of my best

inspiration then - all the cute teenager tv-show boys who were hot on the time I was sexually lost.

I HAVE BEEN ALWAYS INTO GOOD DRAMA. Now I Know why people call me drama-queen!!

Which wanna-be doesn´t love the spot-light. I was always acting-out in school.....people had a blast seeing that. All those SO IMPORTANT MUST GO school events where was some "acting" to do.... I always started 4 months before it - just to be perfect and look like not over-acted..... Sometimes it even worked, got some trophies. And I had to show my acting-skills on 2 years in row in national TV in those cute school competition shows... Fab... so young and already in TV...
Big breakthrough was I was titled as best male-actor in 1998 in Hobby Theater festival in some small local culture club!! And the award goes -to me ! And award was 2 kg of grill-wieners :)...
And of course these movies - "Jan Uuspõld läheb Tartusse" with actual lines !!!! and never-released movie where Eric Roberts was playing and I had a scene also.
result - acting out still on people where I need some drama and those funny drag-shows !!!And still obsessed about cute teenage tv-show hot cuties

inspiration then - cool boy bands and they shirtless bodies
I CANT SING !!! Thank you teacher to makes this clear to me. I went to 1 competition, sang about fishes and their legs. Lost and last place... Even in the karaoke bar i never put this thing close to my mouth
result - lip-singing while performing as a drag-queen

*dancer slash choreographer*
inspiration* - didn´t had. Just loved disco - still do ( 50 years later )
I think I can dance ( better then some straight guy.
All these discos, and then house(music)parties. All those rehearsals in front of the mirror after Madonna "Vogue" video. And ball-room dance classes and folk-dance for a year - I felt almost like professional and was ready to pass it forward.
Most of this gayish fab period come to me very late. When I was almost gay I tried to dance in local clubs as go-go ( but for others it was a freak-show ). And God knows that gay people love stage - and there was no empty moment on the stage when I was in club... People were tortured to see my SKILLS.
And then drag-queens came to my life. I have direct all my shows with small help and done some real dancing.Great moments what has bring a real joy and fun to that !
result - i still love disco. Viva forever "I will survive" and Cher "Believe"

So, I am talented. why no-one hasn´t booked me yet !!!

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